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(801) 618-1485

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Serving all of Salt Lake County:

 84044,MAGNA, 84081 WESTJORDAN 84084,WEST JORDAN,84088,WEST JORDAN,SOUTH JORDAN,84096, HERRIMAN ,84101,SALTLAKECITY,84102,84104,84105,84106,










       Salt Lake City's  #1                       Electrician

We pride ourselves on providing the finest level of residential electrical service in Salt Lake County, at a reasonable price. And, since the overwhelming majority of our business comes through referrals, we understand the importance of making sure our customer's are 100% satisfied! We invite to experience why we are the #1 electrician in Salt Lake City. Here's just some of things you can expect from us:

  • By-The-Book, Upfront Pricing
    We stock our trucks with almost every part imaginable so that we can finish the job the first time that we arrive at your door. That means you won't see our electricians show up just to have to watch them leave again or re-schedule a new appointment.
  • Friendly, Professional Same-Day Service!
    Our technicians are the best of the best. Each is rigorously screened before hiring and trained properly in customer service, not to mention up-to-date on all electrical products and techniques. In fact, a master electrician will be present for each of our jobs.
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
    We stand behind all of our work...that's why we offer a 100% guarantee on all of our materials and labor. If, by any chance the same problem reoccurs we will fix it for FREE! At Suncrest Electric, providing quality, value and unsurpassed service is what we believe in and what we will always stand for.
  • Each of Suncrest Electric's trained technicians are required to complete many months and even years of rigorous training before they're allowed to "solo" on repair or installation work. As licensed electrical contractor, we insist that our technicians attend regular technical education and training programs. Suncrest Electric technicians are also trained in communication skills, sales, finance, management and marketing. They are drug-free, neat in appearance, mindful of their speech and respectful of your property. In short, they are truly an elite group of whom we are very proud.

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